Sunday, July 6, 2014

C4Tp Post 3

One of Ms. Silvia Tolisano's most recent post, The Possibilities of Student Blogging, shares a video of a colleague, Andrea Hernandez, that focuses on the benefits and success of teachers using blogs to aid in the classroom. Ms. Tolisano states that instructors are to be held responsible regarding digital connections. Quad-blogging, connecting one's class with another teacher's, is a topic that is addressed within the video. Teachers should invite individuals within a network to view and critique their students's work, as well as assist them with the blogs (depending on the grade level). With blogging, a student can expand communication and obtain various opinions from individuals they would not normally associate with in the "real-world". Students are able to incorporate their own personal touch within the blogs, practice fundamental writing skills, and provide constructive criticism.

In Documenting FOR Learning, Ms. Tolisano discusses how one can benefit from documenting multiple items and why. The following are tools she suggests one may use: videos, photos, tweets, mindmaps, and blogs. She points out that documentation of student learning and strategies is becoming imperative. With these instruments, teachers can share ideas with colleagues, evaluate student progress, inform further instruction, and update one's portfolio.

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