Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blog Post 6

Discovery Education

Learning From Anthony Capps 

In multiple videos of former USA student, Anthony Capps, the focal point of the discussion centered around integrating various forms of technology in the classroom, regardless of the grade level. The first recording I viewed discussed using Discovery Education. Mr. Capps stated, "a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a million". As a visual learning myself, I completely agree with introducing visuals to assist in teaching. With Discovery Ed, students can research specific material and obtain not only text but pictures, videos, sound clips, etc. Discovery Education essentially brings a book alive to the children. 

Mr. Capps pointed out in a separate video that the misconception evolving around Project Based Learning is the project is performed after the topic has been taught to verify the student retains the new information. However, PBL is taking a different route and is focusing on creating the project in order to teach students. PBL strives to maintain students's attention, include the local community (relate to real world experience), and is content guided. The main objected with PBL is to inspire the next generation and display enthusiasm concerning the subject material. Instructors are separating themselves from lecturing and PowerPoint presentations. 

Another topic within the links was iCurio. Before observing the conversation, I had never heard of this digital form of curriculum. iCurio is an online tool created by Knovation that allows students to search miscellaneous ideas on the web safely. Teachers can control what sites the students view without standing over their shoulders. The device specifically selects websites, videos, and other materials that can be used within the classroom. It contains a storage unit that permits instructors and students to save items that are deemed to be significant; those saved components can also be digitally organized. 


  1. Victoria,
    Great post.I have often wondered with students having all this technology at their fingertips, isn't there be a chance that they will be exposed to the not so great side of the internet? It is great to know there are sights such as iCurio and Discovery Education that work to protect students from this happening. I believe these videos were very helpful in further explaining Project Based Learning.

  2. "However, PBL is taking a different route and is focusing on creating the project in order to teach students." This is a great point to make and wonderful that you picked up on that. Now you have a better understanding of what PBL really is.

    Great job!

  3. Victoria, I agree, Discovery Education explores learning through not just text but images. Students can share their experiences through the opportunity of communicating what they see into many forms of learning.
